Yes… Hmm
msmalley Comment Closed Uncategorized
PHP Download v1.1 has been released! The main change is to allow .htaccess to control download URLs and make it look prettier. This has the side effect of making the download link on the project webpage work again (for some reason the Maven href filter doesn’t like those URLs with GET parameters!). Other changes include
msmalley Comment Closed Uncategorized
PHP Download v1.0 has been released! This php application controls downloads from your site, registering hits and delivering advertising content. Download the app here, or visit the project webpage here.
msmalley Comment Closed Uncategorized
After reorganising the websites on, we inadvertantly broke php5 processing, which in turn broke the Property Manager demo website. This got fixed today (simple .htaccess change to repoint .php -> php5, something I forgot to move over – d’oh!). Anyway, demo back up, and it means our current project, the download manager, works in
msmalley Comment Closed Uncategorized
We’re pleased to announce the immediate availability of Watermarker v2.0. Project website is here, with a link to the binary and source downloads. Changelog: v2.0 (5th July 2009) + added a progress bar for folder updates + all properties are now configurable via a properties file (rather than hardcoded) + proper calculation of the width/height
admin Comment Closed Uncategorized
Instead of trying to publish (and failing usually) an entire maven site for every code change we make, we’ve decided to just have a news site with a link to the app download area. Expect to see a few updates soon with upcoming app changes!